Fake News Story: Cory Booker

Sen. Cory Booker has made the announcement of his Democratic nomination for the
race in 2020.  This announcement is very surprising because Cory Booker has always been known to keep the company of the wrong people.  It is a known fact that him and Vladimir Putin are good friends.  Every time Putin is in town they always meet up to play golf.  That makes you think what side Booker is on.  Is he for the American people or was he placed here by the Russian Government?  Sources have said that during Trumps presidential run that Booker was feeding him information about the Democrats and their plans.  Is this the person you want potentially running your country?  He says he wants to not just beat the Republicans but unite Americans, but he aligns himself with people like Putin.  Booker said, “Says under President Barack Obama there’s been the lowest discretionary spending we’ve had in decades in the United States”.  How is he putting in a bid for a democratic candidate but is speaking negatively on his predecessor?  Is he just using the Democratic party to win the minorities vote and once he gets into office he tries and introduces All-Russia Peoples Front.  Be sure this is someone you want running your country 
someone you want running your country


About Me

My name is Nana Kwadwo Agyare Yeboah, I was born in Kumasi, Ghana in 1996 and moved to Los Angeles, CA when I was 4. I am a senior advertising major, history minor. At a young age I always knew that I wanted to enter the entertainment field but never exactly knew what part of entertainment. But once I got older I started to lean towards the music direction. The music industry has always been a field where you can be successful in other parts besides being an actual artist. When I found this out, I knew I found something I would love. I've always been the type of person that wanted to know how any business ran behind the scenes. It's usually the people behind the scenes that the decisions. After being at Howard University for the past 4 and a half years I figured out once I graduate college I want to work for a record label and later down my life creates and run my own independent label. I've already began on the steps needed to get to that next step. Only time will tell. This class will give me more insight into how media really is controlled and ran.


By the end the course students will be able to:

1. ACCESS Find and use media and technology tools skillfully and share appropriate and relevant information with others

2. ANALYZE & EVALUATE Comprehend messages and use critical thinking to analyze message quality, veracity, credibility, and point of view, while considering potential effects or consequences of messages

3. CREATE Compose or generate content using creativity and confidence in self-expression, with awareness of purpose, audience, and composition techniques

4. REFLECT Apply social responsibility and ethical principles to one’s own identity and lived experience, communication behavior and conduct

5. ACT Work individually and collaboratively to share knowledge and solve problems in the family, the workplace and the community, and participate as a member of a community at local, regional, national and international levels.

-- Digital and Media Literacy (2011), Renee Hobbs.